Why Wordnado?

A few words about the title I’ve chosen for this blog:
It’s taken from a New York Times story that ran two Sundays ago, about the most interesting words of 2013. The headline was “A Wordnado of Words in 2013.” Actually, “wordnado” is not on the list that appears in the story. But “sharknado” is — which the story defines as “A B-movie featuring sharks being hurled about by a tornado.”
I’m not sure that “Wordnado” is the best title for this blog, but I like the sense of “wordnado” as a place where interesting words are hurled or whirled about. Since I think this blog might focus in large part on language and how we use it, it seems like a decent enough fit for now.
But it’s subject to change, and I’ll keep thinking about better names.
Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
And now a few words about possible topics for this blog, in addition to “language” in a broad sense. Others might be: media and communications; the arts, music, movies, theater, and/or “cultural” events; books; writing; health and fitness; politics and government; and yoga, meditation and mindfulness, and Buddhism.
As I said at the end of the previous entry:
More later.

Entry No. 1

At the urging of a friend and colleague, I’ve just set up this blog via WordPress. I’m calling it Wordnado, after a terrific story in The New York Times last Sunday. I figure that’s a nice broad title that will give me a roomy platform from which to talk about anything that crosses my mind *and* that seems of possible interest to others.

That’s key. I want to write stuff that others will find interesting as well, not just bloviate about things that are of interest only to me.

My background is in media and communications, and my current job involves a lot of writing. But there are things other than work-related topics that I’d like to explore and share with others. Hence this blog.

Sorry, not much content in this first entry, which I’m composing on 12/27/2013. But you have to start someplace. More later.